My weekend poem this week is called The Abyss. I wrote it in 2011. It speaks of trauma, of the fragmentation inside that happens when we have unresolved horrors that we have locked away, yet to be explored. For me it expresses the pain I sit with all too frequently with my brave and inspiring clients. If it resonates with you, it comes with my love.
The Abyss
Beneath the veneer
The appearance of normality
Lies the abyss
In that place of innumerable unscreamed screams
A million suppressed sobs and
tears held back in their thousands
lie waiting
Waiting to be noticed
Waiting to be heard
Waiting to be told they matter
To be brought into the light
To be validated, to be loved
Trapped within
A tiny girl
With tear-streaked cheeks
And no voice
Clutches her beloved bear
And waits
