Six practical ways to change the way you feel
In this article, there are six practical ways you can help yourself with your emotions. You can think of it as working on your...
Six practical ways to change the way you feel
How are your routines and rituals evolving?
You are not a stranger here
Neck deep in grace
Celebrating Maha Shivratri
International Women's Day
The being and doing of psychotherapy
Do you hold your breath in?
Be yourself, not who others try and make you
Letting your present update your past experience
Psychotherapy is about contact
We are showered with gifts not to keep
What do you want to feel?
Wild Geese reflecting on the water
Care Day 2021
Random Acts of Kindness Day
The importance of rhythm and interaction
How EMDR Works
What's the rhythm of your free dance?
If your heart is not open, you cannot give or receive