Getting ready for your first therapy session
If you’re thinking of working with a therapist, it’s a good idea to be clear about what is prompting you, and what you want to have...
Getting ready for your first therapy session
Making personal change happen
Resting and unwinding in everyday life
The importance of savouring for mental health
Finding calm amidst life challenges
Changing perspective to get more information
Expanding your comfort zone
Expanding your comfort zone
The sacred gift of intuition
What's in the way IS the way
How are you feeling about your body this summer?
The power of different perspectives
Coming to trust your intuition by understanding your nervous system
Doing a mid-year review
The power of nurture for mental health
The link between dissociation and attachment
Coping with big feelings
What does your space mean to you?
Anger is not the whole story
What do you believe about the world?